Portrait of: Robbert-Jan Molenkamp
Meet our team: today a portrait of Robbert-Jan Molenkamp.
Amersfoort-based Robbert-Jan Molenkamp, 33, has been with Kuipers & Claassen as a financial advisor since September 2022. A changing career preceded it.
Robbert-Jan is successfully completing the courses in mbo Marketing Management and hbo Business Marketing at the semi private educational institution Notenboom in Hilversum. Although the financial side of his education predominates, his interest is still in marketing. What motivates someone to make a certain purchase? How does that work, what process takes place in someone's head and how can you use that? During his studies, Robbert-Jan does several internships at banks such as ING, Van Lanschot Bankiers and the Frieslandbank.
In 2013, his career starts in the financial world. So he works successively at Van Lanschot Bankiers, Rabobank, and - the Swedish - Handelsbanken. He learns a lot there. He also finds it interesting to see how different the banks are: how does a bank present itself to the outside world and how are staff treated? At Handelsbanken, with one branch in the Netherlands for the wholesale segment only, it is very social with a good work-life balance. Working for the new private segment, Robbert-Jan helps build the transition towards the Dutch market. A flat organization. After five years, he notices that the work becomes routine. Looking for more of a challenge, he comes into contact with someone who points him to a vacancy at RNHB in Utrecht, a real estate financier created by the merger of Rijnlandse and Nederlandsche Hypotheekbank.
Reorienting himself to the job market, he became excited about a job with the National Heat Fund. This fund - set up by the government - offers homeowners, schools and owners' associations affordable and responsible financing for sustainability. The latter aspect attracts him greatly. There he focuses mainly on VvEs, which have difficulty obtaining financing in the regular market. After more than a year, he decides to terminate his employment with the fund.
At that time, Senna Hansen - whom Robbert-Jan had met earlier at a course - makes him aware of a great position as a financial advisor at Kuipers & Claassen, where she herself is employed. Although at the time he does not yet have a full feel for the subject matter he will be working with there, Senna manages to enthuse him. With internal training in prospect, he starts working there.
Together with his girlfriend, a teacher at an elementary school, he is the proud parents of their almost 1-year-old daughter. He can enjoy her immensely. Shortly after the birth, the family trades in their apartment in Amsterdam for a beautiful corner house in Amersfoort. There, family man Robbert-Jan finds it fun - against his own expectations - to work in the garden. It gives satisfaction to see things grow, even in his girlfriend's vegetable garden.
While he was an avid golfer during his college years, he could be found on the course regularly every week in nice weather, when he starts working, he shifts his sporting activities. On a senior team, he currently plays field hockey competitively with clubs in the region. Choosing to play on Monday nights or train on Thursday nights gives him fewer obligations.
Even though he is not a world traveler, his passion lies with South Africa. So he gets involved for several months in a project in Zimbabwe as a rhino protector. He definitely plans to go back again. Robbert-Jan can also dream away. Seeing himself in a lucky moment in the budding spring sitting by a small lake in Austria, where he quietly enjoys a cup of coffee in the morning. It makes him happy.
In addition to others portraying him as loyal, Robbert-Jan sees himself as always being there for others. Sometimes he does lose himself in that. That he finds it "safe" to work with others, he does not see it as an expression of doubt. Deciding together, celebrating successes together, that makes him happy. He also likes a team in which they dare to pat each other on the back. He still finds it difficult to accept a compliment.
He has to get used to the culture at Kuipers & Claassen. The colleagues who draw up the annual accounts can work in a very focused way for a long time. Robbert-Jan, on the other hand, is also verbally present as an advisor. He likes to be among people. One of the reasons why he also prefers to work in the office. But sometimes, in his opinion, it is very quiet there. The extrovert in him does help to build a personal and long-term contact with clients. "They have to be able to rely on you. He sees passion in entrepreneurs. 'That's beautiful,' he says, 'that's what gives me so much energy. Their motivation really isn't just money.'
I enjoy making people happy.
A lot of contact with customers I like.
Bookkeeping, then, interests me.
I get so much energy from that.
It must have my interest.
Personal contact is what I like best.
I enjoy helping people.