In principle, we do not store any user data on this website, however, if you fill out and submit our contact form, we will store and use your name and your e-mail address to contact you. We naturally handle this data with care.
Uw persoonsgegevens<
Om u goed te kunnen adviseren welke financiële producten bij uw situatie passen, gaan wij met u in gesprek. In dit gesprek stellen wij u verschillende vragen. Deze vragen hebben betrekking op uw kennis van en ervaring met financiële diensten, uw financiële situatie, zoals inkomen, uitgaven en vermogen, uw wensen en behoeften voor zover relevant voor het financiële advies en uw bereidheid om bepaalde risico’s zelf te dragen, dan wel uw wens om deze juist af te dekken, bijvoorbeeld door middel van een verzekering.
We handle your data with care
We handle the data we receive from you with care. We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing this data. All our employees have also signed a confidentiality agreement.
How do we use the information we receive from you?
We use the data we receive from you to make an analysis of your financial situation. From this our advice then follows on what measures you can take to achieve the financial security you desire. This may relate to building up your pension, insuring certain risks or obtaining financing.
Both in the course of preparing this advice and when you ask us to carry out parts of this advice, we may need to contact insurers, lenders, appraisal firms, employment experts and others relevant to the implementation of the financial security to be realized for you.
In the case of insurers and lenders, it is the information they need to be able to determine whether and under what conditions they wish to make you an offer for insurance or credit. For appraisal firms, it is about information needed to assess the value of your property or other assets. Employment experts involve your contact information so that the employment expert can contact you as part of an application for disability insurance.
We transfer the personal data received from you to third parties only when necessary to carry out a particular part of your order. In doing so, we only pass on the data that these third parties actually need to perform the work we have requested for you.
Your personal data
In order to be able to advise you properly about which financial products suit your situation, we will talk to you. During this interview we will ask you several questions. These questions relate to your knowledge of and experience with financial services, your financial situation, such as income, expenses and assets, your wishes and needs insofar as relevant to the financial advice and your willingness to bear certain risks yourself or your desire to cover them, for example by means of insurance.
We handle your data with care
We handle the data we receive from you with care. We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing this data. All our employees have also signed a confidentiality agreement.
How do we use the information we receive from you?
We use the data we receive from you to make an analysis of your financial situation. From this our advice then follows on what measures you can take to achieve the financial security you desire. This may relate to building up your pension, insuring certain risks or obtaining financing.
Both in the course of preparing this advice and when you ask us to carry out parts of this advice, we may need to contact insurers, lenders, appraisal firms, employment experts and others relevant to the implementation of the financial security to be realized for you.
In the case of insurers and lenders, it is the information they need to be able to determine whether and under what conditions they wish to make you an offer for insurance or credit. For appraisal firms, it is about information needed to assess the value of your property or other assets. Employment experts involve your contact information so that the employment expert can contact you as part of an application for disability insurance.
We transfer the personal data received from you to third parties only when necessary to carry out a particular part of your order. In doing so, we only pass on the data that these third parties actually need to perform the work we have requested for you.
What is the situation when you do not give us certain information, or restrict us from using it?
Preparing good financial advice can be compared to putting together a puzzle. There are many, individual pieces that when we begin our work are all mixed up. When we have all the pieces at our disposal, we almost always succeed in solving the puzzle and giving you a complete picture.
But when you do not wish to provide us with certain information or restrict us in its use, we miss one or more "pieces" of the puzzle. Sometimes this is not insurmountable so that we can still give you a certain final picture. We will point out to you that there may be gaps in this advice because we were not able to obtain all the information and what the consequences may be for you.
If we are missing too much information, we will not be able to provide responsible advice and will inform you that we cannot perform our work for you.
Complaints about our handling of your personal data
As indicated above, we try to handle your personal data as carefully as possible. Do you have questions about how your personal data is handled within our office? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will then do our best to answer these questions as best we can.
Should you have any complaints about the way our office has handled your personal data, we express our wish that you contact the management of our office about it. We promise you that this complaint will receive our attention.
Should you nevertheless remain of the opinion, that we have not handled your personal data with sufficient care, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority:
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