Tax savings box 3

Tax savings box 3

There is a lot going on in the media about developments regarding the taxation of savings in Box3. You must have caught some of it.

What's up?
The Supreme Court issued a ruling on taxation in Box3 in late 2021. The Supreme Court indicated that taxation on savings, on which no interest is received, is against the law. A small percentage of savers had objected to the 2017 and 2018 assessments. The Supreme Court found that they should be compensated. This ruling was surprising though because previous proceedings over 2015-2016 were lost.

The vast majority of taxpayers (read: 96%) had not filed an objection. This large group of non-objectors still has one option and that is to request a so-called "ex officio reduction. That request must be submitted for the 2017 tax year no later than December 31, 2022. You understand that the Tax Office is now inundated with such requests.

As a result, the State Secretary of Finance, together with certain interest groups, has decided to submit some legal questions to the court for all taxpayers. Should the court still decide that the correction still applies to this large group, then this will apply to everyone; thus also to the people who did not file an objection, and regardless of whether an ex officio reduction request was filed or not.

DUS, you don't have to do anything. We will keep you informed regarding the judge's ruling.